Does Practice Really Make Perfect?

Getting nervous before or during a job interview is normal and it can feel like you are fighting to survive in a sea of stress and uncertainty. Yes, an interview is your opportunity to shine but rather than let it overwhelm you, let it motivate you to succeed.

As the sayings go, “Practice makes perfect!” and “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” Practising with someone helps you answer questions with greater clarity and confidence — traits interviewers look for in an applicant. If you’re unsure of what questions they will ask you, there are many books and online resources that can give you a list of the most commonly used interview questions (e.g.

It may take several practice sessions with your friends or family members, but be patient. Do not take their criticisms or comments negatively, but rather as constructive suggestions to help you grow. It is better to make mistakes in your practice runs than it is to do so in an actual interview.

My Challenge to You: Download the list of interview questions from the link above and practise them with a friend or family member. If no one is around to help you, practise your answers out loud in front of a mirror. 

For a Double Challenge, take it a step further and videotape yourself answering questions to see what an interviewer would be seeing! Are you fidgeting in your seat? Are you giving proper eye contact? Are you stumbling over your words? These are just a few things that can lessen your chances of landing the job. So if you answered “yes,” keep practising. If you can’t be perfect, at least you can be better!

Best of luck!

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