
Motivational Blogs

How to be a super hero in 5 easy steps.

How To Be A Super Hero In 5 Easy Steps –


You don’t need to have special powers to be super; it is in all of us. I am often amazed about my son and how he embodies the characteristics of a super hero. For as long as I can remember he has dubbed himself as being a “super hero.” He lives in the moment of being all he can be. Even his posture speaks super hero. My wife and I recently got a good chuckle when were looking through some old family pictures and in each one, my son was standing under four feet was doing his Superman pose of legs at shoulder width apart, hands on his waist and his chest pushed out. For him, being super is only natural; it is a way of life.

 Here are 5 characteristics I have seen my son adopt:

1)Honour Your Word – Too many of us never do this and we wonder why things never seem to work out in our favour. The universe is a funny thing that has a tendency to mirror our actions and intentions. What you consistently focus on tends to come into existence. When you consistently honour word you will find that people will be more eager to assist you than if you never honoured your word.

2) Help Those In Need – No one ever gets to the top on their own. Even Superman needs a little help now and then. A comforting feeling I have about my little super hero is he is always willing to help others big or small succeed. He will actually hold a door open for a nation of people to pass though if I do not tell him to let someone else take over after the 10th person has passed through.

3) Stick To Your Plan – Always have a plan for anything you do in life. As the saying goes, “if you fail to plan then you plan to fail.” I enjoy seeing how my son is always prepared for almost anything. Before he plays, he makes sure his has all that he needs as seen in the above mentioned photo. I am amazed how much play he can squeeze in a short space of time by being prepared. What areas of our life do we need to stick to the plan to achieve success?

4) Be Fearless – Move out of your comfort zone. To my son, there are not boundaries, only possibilities. I constantly find myself telling him to look before he leaps into a situation to protect him from harm.  How badly do you really want something? Too many of us sit on the sidelines and wish for the one day we can do something great. Fear is a powerful inhibitor but it can be used to propel us further.

5) Live For Something – Every super hero eventually finds his or her purpose. It becomes their badge of honour defining who they are and how people identify with them. When a person knows their purpose they are able to shine. Know your purpose in life. Life is a journey; too many of us do not know our purpose.  When you do find it, you will be forever changed for the better.

When was the last time you felt super and on top of your game? In closing I will leave you with these words…

“Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but it is greatness.” – George Bernard Shaw




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