3 Reasons To Stop Hiding & Start Showing Up To Succeed!

There are times in your life when things aren’t going to work out right. No matter what you do, failure will be on your horizon. We’ve all been there at some point of time in our lives. When I was unemployed and struggling, I felt as if I was the only loser in a world full of winners. I wanted to crawl into the sewers and hide; not because I wanted to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle but because, in my mind, I was a failure. I felt like a failure to myself and most of all to my family.

However, by investing in self-development courses, I was able to change my mindset to a positive one. I gained the confidence to start showing up and it was not long after I was able to find better employment and move my career forward!

Here are three reasons why you need to stop hiding and start showing up:

1) You Miss Out On Opportunities: When you’re hiding, be it at the workplace or elsewhere, your manager or even a potential hiring manager is not going to give you a promotion or opportunity, if they can’t see you. You need to show them that you have value and the best way to do this is by consistently showing up and producing results. Don’t be afraid to get out there and become a “Knockout Networker”! At KeepMovingForward.ca we have a saying, “Who knows you, refers you!”

2) You Are Only Hurting Yourself: Out of the seven billion plus people on the planet, you are here because you have a unique gift! I can’t tell you what that gift is, only you can. When you hide yourself away from the world, you are robbing the world of your gift. Psychologically, you are bombarding yourself with negative thoughts of lack and not having value. These negative thoughts then start to creep into your body language and they read defeat (e.g. hunched posture, lack of eye contact or conversation). I have personally experienced this as well, and I have seen it in others when I was in employment counselling and recruitment.

When I was in recruitment, on average, I would receive hundreds of resumes for a single position. Realistically, I could not interview all the applicants; I had to narrow my interview pile down to five or six candidates. If I interviewed a person and they had low energy, a defeated mindset, or a negative attitude, I knew I could not hire them. Why? Because when all hell breaks loose on a job more often than not, they are the types who would quit. Defeated and negative mindsets, which show up in their body language, are a huge turnoff for hiring mangers. So remember to always show up with a positive mindset even when things are not going your way. You have nothing to lose and a whole lot more to gain!

3) Showing Up, Beats The Competition: 80% of success is showing up! This reminds me of one of my clients who was stuck in a dead-end job with a boss from hell. It was hard on her mentally, physically and spiritually to continue to work in that horrible environment. Each day felt like an eternity of hell for her. After working halfway through my course, Mindset For Career Success, she started to get a more positive mindset and she gained the confidence to apply for a new job. We both agreed that to stand out from the competition she should personally deliver her resume and try to connect with the manager if possible. She did and you know what? She beat out the completion and got hired. How great is that?!! It’s like what renowned Silicon Valley entrepreneur Steve Blank says, “The world is run by those who show up… not those who wait to be asked.”

If you are truly serious about succeeding, I want you to keep showing up.

Share with me, what motivates you to show up?

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Colin McClean, Your Career Blacksmith

“Keep moving forward and looking upwards!”


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