4 Reasons Why Multi-Tasking Does Not Work– ColinMcClean.com

MultiTasking-FINAL2In theory, multi-tasking may sound like a great idea but here are some reasons to consider.

1) Quality vs Quantity – You may be doing many things and feeling accomplished but what about the quality of your work or service; is it suffering? Never take a shot gun approach to hunt a mosquito. It is better to have one satisfied customer than it is to have 5 unsatisfied customers. Clients want to feel that you have made them your top priority; but your lack of attention and consideration can leave you with a reputation of being unreliable.

2) It Can Lead To Burnout – It is a little known fact that the more you do, the more people expect of you.   I use to be a “Yes Man” always agreeing to do things for people feeling they would not like me if I said no to their request. In the end I became frustrated and eventually burned out in the process. It is okay to say no to things. You will accomplish more by working smarter and not harder. To accomplish any goals in life, you must be selective. Always remember, you are no good to anyone if you are burned out. 

3) You Are Not Living In The Moment – Have you ever, tried to have a conversation with an extreme multi-tasker? I have and it is very frustrating and exhausting at the same time. Every time, he would urgently ask for me to meet to discuss an opportunity or assist him with a problem. Upon my arrival, he would have me waiting about 20 minutes for him to get off the phone to start the meeting. When our meetings finally commenced, we were constantly interrupted by calls “he just had to take”; I often wondered why he had voice mail on his phone. This type of behavior continued because I allowed it to happen with the hope things would get better. In the end I terminated the business relationship because he did not respect my time. When meeting with people, do you steal their time or do you add value?

4) Some Things Should Never Be Multi-Tasked – Not everything can be multitasked. I remember driving to a meeting one morning and I was a little perplexed as to why the car ahead of me was driving extremely slow as it was entering the highway. Traffic was starting to back up and the conditions for safely merging onto the highway were becoming dangerous. Quickly maneuvering around the vehicle in question, I could not believe my eyes. The driver was reading a map that rested on her steering wheel, as she was taking a bite of her bagel with the cell phone in one ear and periodically checking in her rearview mirror as she was putting on her mascara. It sent shivers down my spine; she was a potential accident waiting to happen. I quickly proceeded to distance myself from her. Sometimes it is best not to multi-task if you it will cause danger to yourself or those around you.

In today’s society it is understandable to be very busy and having a number of things on the go, but try to have some perspective on the relationships you have and determine if what you are doing really adds value.

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1 comment for “4 Reasons Why Multi-Tasking Does Not Work– ColinMcClean.com

  1. October 5, 2013 at 2:48 pm

    If you are going to multi-task try to ensure the things you are working on effect other things you are doing in a possitive manner.

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